Waiting in the airport. |
Walking towards security. |
If someone ever asks me this question, now I'll know what to say. |
Not even kidding, about 15 minutes ago I saw a real photographer's photographs with this effect. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what I did. |
I take a lot of pictures of things that you can see anywhere. If you were hoping to see what Florida really looks like, this is not the place to come to for answers. |
Some more feet. You know my fascination. But in fact, I absolutely hate feet. I guess it's shoes that I'm into. Except I wear the same pair of shoes every day. Hmmm. |
Here's the extent of my artistic shots from Florida. Out of approximately 300, these were the only ones worth showing. Why? Because I have no photographing talent! HA! I just take a bunch of pictures with my point-and-shoot and hope for the best, and then use Picasa to try to make it look cool. Now I bet you're very disappointed, because you thought that A was a famous photographer and had a top secret blog that only you knew about. :)