Saturday, November 26, 2011

Picking Up the Slack

Well, I'm ashamed to say that H and A have been slacking off on posting. Maybe it's because they've been busy. Maybe it's because they adopted a child. Maybe it's because they discovered a live dinosaur. Or maybe it's because swim season just started. :) Here's some random stuff:

My cat, Oliver.

This duck lives in my room, because we used to have a bathroom full of ducks, but they all got replaced in order to implement a Parisian theme. Poor guy.

Here's a bathroom mirror in a hotel after someone "prendre une douche" and drew a heart on the mirror.

Here's a cross-country runner playing Pokemon on his Nintendo DS

Who are these people? What are they looking at? Unfortunately, I only know the answer to one of those questions.

Here's a cool kid at a forensics tournament.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chalk Drawings

My sister had her little friends over and they were drawing with chalk on the driveway. It was such a sunny, beautiful day!