Friday, July 29, 2011


Yeah, I felt like I was slacking with the posts recently soooo I'm gonna post some pictures of Las Vegas from my vacation. Very few of them were good, but I picked the best ones too share hopefully thou shall enjoy!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Swimming Sensations

Since we're almost to 1000 views, I figured that I'd put something up that had something to do with the sensations one gets when he or she is swimming. That's what we named the blog after, after all.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm so excited to get to 1000! I didn't even know because I accidentally replaced my Windows 7 updated software with some pretty old stuff, so not everything works anymore! But, I digress. Here are some pictures:

Some fish in a pond at the zoo.

A sea lion splashing in the water.

This sea lion is yelling at the other one. Or singing to it?

Crocodile. Nearby, a sign reads: No Swimming with the Crocodiles.


I wish I could get a picture of me that looks this cool. Unfortunately, this is just Marisol the American Girl.

K.T. playing some soccer


A butterfly!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Woah 926 views!?!

Wow, we here at Swimming Sensations are amazed that we are so close to hitting 1,000 views. It seems like just yesterday we started the blog on A's computer one sleepover! So, I'll post the last of my vaca pics (Finally!) to commemorate the upcoming occasion. - H

Sunday, July 3, 2011


On my way to work, I brought my camera and took some pictures. Here they are:

Me riding in the car preparing to take some pictures!

A view from a bridge looking at another bridge
I made it look old-timey

The City Skyline (I made it artistic)

Beautiful Francesca

Brian solving Rubik's Cube