Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Case of the Missing Friend

Well, my blogging partner "H" went on a backpacking trip to Utah. I have no idea when she plans on coming back, but I must say, I sincerely hope that it's soon. I actually inherited my mum's old D70 camera, so I'm pretty excited that I actually have a nice camera to work with. Unfortunately, I've been at work and just hanging out around the house, so I don't really have any interesting subjects to work with. But I digress. Here's some recent and not-so-recent pictures:

Usually, these arrows mean "SPRINT" so I have to say, I'm not really a fan.

I thought this one was cool, but critics did what they do best; criticize. I realize a picture is supposed to stand alone, but apparently I have to explain that I took this picture while spinning around with the camera over my head. Notice the spherical design of the floor. That was intentional.

Some dancers at the Henry Mancini Arts Academy.

Some light reading.

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