Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

            You've put in the hours, the effort, your life but..... but what? What have you got to show for it? You try so much but what happens when that isn't enough? You've given your all but your all didn't get you very far. The feelings that crash down upon you when you realize that you're not going to reach your goal is something that is very hard to describe. Disappointment, I think that's the most prominent feeling. Disappointment's exact definition is a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized. Did you set your expectations to high? I don't believe in too high of a goal or expectation. You just have to set a reasonable amount of time to accomplish the goal. As people we are often overwhelmed with wants and goals but are just as often underwhelmed with our performances or actions to reach said goal. Opportunity and dreams are what prompts people to do better and try harder. 
              Another thing you feel is jealousy. There are some people that don't set high goals yet still do just as good if not better than people that do set goals. You know those people. I happen to be related to one, I often find myself comparing myself to him. I think to myself  that it's not fair. But who am I kidding life isn't fair. I like to think that all the stuff that get's handed to him on a silver platter will catch up to him and that one day he'll be brought down to our level and have to work to be good at something. Do I know when why and where it will happen? No. Will that even happen? Probably. Will he man up and be like the rest of us? Well, that's up to him. Even still I can't help but be a little jealous.
                    Would happiness be the same if we didn't have to work to get it? No, I don't believe so. Working towards something is what makes it worthwhile. It can change you, It can make you a better person. Maybe you have to feel a little jealous and a little disappointed before you can achieve your goal. That to me is the only way to feel true achievement and happiness. It's not the journey or the destination, the journey makes the destination. And to me the destination looks pretty darn good. ;)

As you can see I experienced some disappointment but by writing this I sifted through my feelings and got over it.No pics today sorry. -H

1 comment:

  1. haley that was really good! and im sorry you didnt get your goal, but nonetheless that was really well written! amanda
