I know what you may be thinking. I was just talking about french class in my last post, well that was before what happened Thursday. I had had my very first morning practice and got lost trying to find my locker afterwards by that time it was nearly 7:20 am. I quite possibly took the longest route imaginable and ended up finding my locker extremely late and so by this time it was 7:25ish. The bell had rung and I made my way to the french room around 45 seconds after the late bell rang and before the morning announcements had started. As I walked into class my teacher just said "oh, Haley" and continued putzing around her desk. I later found out that she had marked me
one minute late. The attendance office contacted my parents and I turned in an excuse the next day. So the fourth day of a new school with my first morning practice I was marked
60 seconds late to my first period class, not missing any lessons mind you. Wow. I must've missed the most important 6o seconds of my life.
Anyhow thanks for listening to my rant. Now here's a picture! I'll try to put more up tomorrow I just haven't had time so thanks for reading!
I know I just talked about my french class and then here's a photo of my old Bio room. |
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